We attend MEDICA!
Visit us: November 11-14th, 2024: Hall 4 | H29

Revolutionizing Rehabilitation
with Virtual Reality Therapy

Discover our solution

CUREO®: Efficient Virtual Reality Therapy

for cognitive, sensorimotor and perceptive therapy

CUREO® VR-Therapiesystem mit Tablet-Interface, das eine interaktive Rehabilitationseinheit anzeigt, und einem VR-Headset. Entwickelt für Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie und Neuropsychologie, steigert CUREO® die Patientenmotivation durch Gamification und moderne Technologie.

Known from:

ZDF recently reported about the CUREO therapy systemThe renowned Management & Krankenhaus magazine reported about CUREO VR Therapy The Handelsblatt magazine reported about Cureosity and the CUREO VR therapy systemThe WDR television channel reported about Cureosity and CUREO
Rheinische Post reported about CUREO VR Therapy Wirtschafts Woche reported about CUREO VR Therapy Sat 1 reported about CUREO VR Therapy Neurologie & Rehabilitation reported about CUREO VR Therapy
The German television channel mdr reported about the use of CUREO VR therapyThe German television channel mdr reported about the use of CUREO VR therapyBerliner Morgenpost reported about CUREO VR Therapy The German television channel ndr reported about the use of CUREO VR therapy
WAZ reported about CUREO VR Therapy BZ reported about CUREO VR Therapy BILD reported about CUREO VR Therapy NBTV reported about CUREO VR Therapy
The WDR television channel reported about Cureosity and CUREO

CUREO® – The innovative Virtual Reality Therapy with gamification for efficient, effective, and versatile rehabilitation

CUREO 4 being tested by a patient

Better, faster,
and even more effective:

About our update

The CUREO® community is constantly growing


Leading institutions that use CUREO®

Benedictus Krankenhaus Feldafing

The Benedictus Hospital Feldafing is an academic teaching hospital of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and is one of the most modern clinics in Germany for further treatment in acute and rehabilitation medicine in the fields of neurology, geriatrics and orthopaedics. The Pain Center has also been one of Europe's largest specialist facilities for the multimodal treatment of chronic pain for decades and treats all types of pain both on an inpatient and day-care basis.

One of the main reasons for Prof. Dr. Dirk Sander to implement CUREO® was, that it can be used across the entire spectrum of patients: From the severely affected in early rehabilitation to continuing rehabilitation.

Johanniter-Ordenshaus Bad Oeynhausen

These institutions trust in CUREOSITY

Benediktushof Maria Veen
Ergotherapie Jens Lammer
Median Kliniken
Klinik Sonnenblick
Asklepios Kliniken
Praxis für Ergotherapie und Logopädie Schiller
Ergotherapie Ute Männig
MEDAU Schule gGmbH
AVEO Physio
actio ergo GmbH
Brina Pflege GmbH
NMC ProVita International Medical Centre
SEHA - Abu Dhabi Healthcare Company
Berlin Medical and Neurological Rehabilitation  l.l.c
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi
Corinna Dietrich – Praxis für Ergotherapie
PRO MANUS GbR – Praxis für Handtherapie
Praxis für Ergotherapie - Sabine Winnemöller
Bettina Weitz Ergotherapie
MediClin Klinikum Soltau
Neurologische Rehaklinik Friedehorst
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Ergotherapie Rupprecht
Gelenk Werkstatt
Segeberger Kliniken
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Lucas Nöhren Physiotherapie Powered by Elithera
Kliniken Erlabrunn
Physio Meißner Physiotherapie und Kinderphysiotherapie
Christiane Rauch - Praxis für Ergotherapie
Klinik Bavaria Kreischa, Kreischa
Westküstenkliniken Brunsbüttel und Heide gGmbH
Caritas-Klinik St. Marien Brandenburg
Ergotherapie am Haven
Marcus Klinik Bad Driburg
Ergotherapie Sophia Brakel
Praxis für Ergotherapie Luise Huchtmann
PVM GmbH Patienten- Versorgung Management
Krankengymnastik Koster
St. Josef-Krankenhaus Kupferdreh
Unique® – Therapie & Entwicklungszentrum
GET Therapie
Klinikum Bad Hersfeld/ Rotenburg
Praxis für Psychotherapie und Neuropsychologie
Impuls - Praxis für Logopädie, Physio- und Ergotherapie
SRH Fachschulen GmbH
SRH Praxen
Lui-Minten Ergotherapie
Neuro Praxis Düsseldorf - Privatpraxis für Neurologie
Rheinland Klinikum Neuss GmbH - Lukaskrankenhaus
Physio & Ergotherapie Heitbrink
Universitätsklinikum Essen
amt - Gesundheitsakademie im Vest
ErgoXtra Silvia Weien
St. Mauritius Therapieklinik
Hospital zum Heiligen Geist
Neurologisches interdisziplinäres Behandlungszentrum (NIB)
Ergotherapie Corinna Krings-Leufgen
Wicker Kliniken
Ergotherapie Sara Huschbeck
Praxis für Ergotherapie Jasmin Kriegeskotte
Krankengymnastik Wencke Heyden-Thiel
DRK Klinikum
Ambulanticum GmbH
Ergotherapie & Logopädie Praxis Christa Ott
Zentrum für Ergotherapie
Christian Schreiner - Praxis für neurointegrative Osteopathie
Praxis für Ergotherapie Freia Röhring
Neurologische Klinik Sorpesee GmbH & Co. KG
Physio Special
Praxis für Ergotherapie Michaela Schreiber
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Zentrum für Orthopädie
Psychotherapeutische Praxis Valerie Kraft
Johanniter Kliniken
Michels Kliniken
BG Kliniken
HSH Lamprecht GbR
RKH Klinikum Ludwigsburg
Praxis für Ergotherapie und Logopädie Juergen Panzer
Münchner Förderzentrum Freimann
Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum (NRZ) Rosenhügel
Schwarzwaldklinik Neurologie
BDH Kliniken
Technische Hochschule Rosenheim
Schön Klinik Bad Aibling Harthausen
Benedictus Krankenhaus Feldafing
m&i-Fachklinik Enzensberg
Passauer Wolf Reha-Zentrum Bad Griesbach
Schmerztagesklinik und Schmerzambulanz des Zentrums für interdisziplinäre Schmerzmedizin Würzburg
Therapiezentrum Burgau
Praxis für Physiotherapie HM Kaufmann
Anja Hohmann Fachpraxis für Ergotherapie und Neurofeedback
Zentralklinik Bad Berka GmbH
AUVA-Rehabilitationszentrum Meidling
Ergotherapie Nadja Haas
UKB Schön Klinik as CUREO partner and clientWICKER as CUREO partnerFizioterapije Lubljana as CUREO clientUKBUKB as CUREO partner

Join the future of therapy with CUREO®

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