In February 2024, we launched a pilot project together with Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and Ambulanticum to explore innovative approaches in rehabilitation. You can find the original post on this project in our original post as well as on TK's and Ambulanticum's website.
Through close cooperation with our partners - and based on the latest scientific findings and practical experiences from the pilot project - we examined how virtual reality and gamification elements can support the rehabilitation process. This participatory approach allows us to continuously learn from one another and explore new avenues in therapy together.
Our collaboration led to several interesting results, with the most important findings as follows:
• 82% of the participating patients expressed the desire to have the opportunity to train with CUREO again during their next visit.
• 3 out of 4 patients reported that they were able to push beyond their own limits with CUREO.
• It was shown that the use of CUREO contributed to improvements in trunk stability as well as arm and shoulder mobility.
These findings are based on internal evaluations and are intended to document our joint learning process. They provide a valuable foundation for further optimizing rehabilitative measures—in continuous exchange and close coordination with the involved specialists and institutions.
The results of the pilot project underscore the potential of digitally supported rehabilitation approaches. Based on these insights, we are now incorporating the lessons learned into our daily work for patients and further refining our therapeutic approach. Additionally, Ambulanticum has permanently integrated VR therapy with CUREO into its treatment concept. Our common goal remains to make rehabilitation even more effective and patient-centered.